Thursday, February 27, 2014

Her name is Isabella Baumfree who took the name of Sojourner Truth. 
Sojourner Truth was an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist.

Chapter 8, Section 4 The Changing Workplace

This is a map of the different industries in the United States, North of Virginia. Notice how the states in the North Eastern portion of the country have industries mainly focused on clothing and textiles, while the areas farther South focus on coal mining. Also, areas to the east focused on coal mining and timber working.

The Lowell Mills girls worked for lower wages, but were still paid more than if they were teachers or another profession. They were treated poorly, and they began to strike against their bosses. Fight the man!

Chapter 9 Section 1 Notes

Impact on Communication - The 1st Telephone (1876) - During the rise of marketing and inventions in the U.S, Alexander Bale decided to invent a sound transmitter, also known as the telephone. It relied on a steady stream of electricity rather than electric bursts.  

Emergence of Railroads -  From the 1840's to the 1860's, many new forms of transportation were being made in locations with large populations. One of them was the invention of railroads. Railroads were made to transport people and different forms of cargo easier.  

ch.8 sect 2

slavery became an explosive issues

Journeymen were skilled masters who assisited masters. The days of artisans were gones when the early factories took over.
The Entrepreneurial spirit included entrepreneurs that risked their own money in new industries. The risked on losing their investment, but also earned new huge profits when they succeeded.

Seneca Falls Convention Quote

Seneca Falls Convention

Women rights convention made by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott

Civil Disobedience & Henry David Thoreau

The Civil Disobedience act stated that everyone basically didn't have to follow law they didn't think were fair, but they would have to do so peacefully.

"I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours...if you have built castles in the air, your work need to be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."-Henry David Thoreau
   ---- Henry David Thoreau cared a lot about doing what he believed. He wrote a lot about The Civil Disobedience, and basically started the whole Civil Disobedience movements.

Temperance Movement

This cartoon shows the temperance movement where people would try to stop drinking alcohol. Mary C. Vaughan was
attested by evils of alcohol while speaking at a temperance meeting in 1852.
 The sphere of individual liberty must be shrunken, indeed, if it cannot enclose all that lies within a man's skin, and the powers of the ruler, extensive indeed, if they can reach down the citizen's throat and explore his digestive organs. It is not mere bombast to declare that the esophagus, the duodenum, lacticals, and capillary ducts of free-born Americans are, and of right should be, forever inviolable; and that if the Declaration of Independence does not avail to save the contents of our stomachs and bladders from chemical analysis and legislative discussion, it is full time to make another declaration that shall mean something.

section 8; alesia

this picture shows that most white children were raised by slave women who had their children taken away

Cult of Domesticity Quote

Cult of Domesticity

This was when women who are married had to change their activities to only housework and child care

Slavery in America

The Populations Rise,
With Malice in there eyes.
The hoes will  fly, As tear run dry
We rush for freedom yet stand for nothing,
As we stand for nothing and fall for everything.
-Kent Moseley

section 8; Alesia

those who are educated should not have to suffer.

Ch. 8, Sect. 1

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a New England writer and he led a group that practiced transcendentalism. Transcendentalism stressed the idea of optimism, freedom and self-reliance.

Henry David Thoreau was a friend of Emerson. He practiced self-reliance and advised people to  listen to their inner voices. He promted people to to not obey laws that was thought to be unjust. This led to the civil disobediance.

John Deere Saves the Day

John Deere invented the steel plow, improving the agricultural life.
New inventions included something called the telegraph which was like texting back then, just a little more complicated then today's world. It allowed for faster communications over long distances through wave signals.

And Thus Began the Inventions

Samuel F.B Morse invented an electromagnetic telegraph, resulting in a faster method of communication.

The cottage system provided the materials for goods to be produced at home.
An organization of journeymen from six industries.

Forced Slavery (Chapter 8 Sec. 2)

Is This Really Worth The Trouble

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Jackson- The War Hero!

By: Jessy & Kevin Bonilla

nullification crisis


Nullification of Abominations

The Southern Perspective

Jackson's Election Into Presidency _SamanthaMorton&CarolynMoney

"The Union must be Preserved." -Andrew Jackson

alesia and kent

How the people felt

Andrew Jackson, Are You From Tennessee? 'Cause You're the Only Ten I See!

Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, gave the Democratic Party their symbol (the donkey) and was the "50 Cent" of presidents, having bullets lodged in his body from duels.

Indian Removal Act

Jackson and Clay
David Harris-Norton & Shawn Boyle

Thursday, February 20, 2014